Phd Supervision



30. M. Lenkens, More than a mirror: Mechanisms of experiential peer support for young people engaging in criminal behaviour, 26 April 2022, Erasmus University (with Prof. F. Lenthe & Prof. G. Nagelhout).
29. L. Schenk, At-Risk Youths’ social networks, 23 April 2021, Erasmus University (with Prof. S. Severies).
28. G. Custers, The new divided city, 15 April 2021, Erasmus University (with Dr. E. Snel).
27. I. Glas, Fear of crime and neighbourhood in context, 21 Januari 2021, Erasmus University (with Dr. E. Snel).
26. J. Jansen, Who can represent the nation?, 18 June 2020, Erasmus University (with Dr. G. Oonk).
25. M. van Ostaijen, Worlds between words: The politics of intra-European movement discourses. 23 June 2017, Erasmus University (with Dr. P. Scholten).
24. L. Bakker, Seeking sanctuary in the Netherlands: Opportunities and obstacles to refugee integration, 21 January 2016, Erasmus University (with Prof. J. Dagevos).
23. V. Lub, The plausibility of policy, 20 November 2014, Erasmus University.
22. M. Lusse, Een kwestie van vertrouwen: Een ontwerpgericht onderzoek naar het verbeteren van het contact met ouders in het ‘grootstedelijk’ vmbo ten behoeve van preventie van schooluitval, 6 December 2013, Erasmus University (with Prof. T. Notten).
21. M. van den Berg, Mothering the post-industrial city: Family and gender in urban re-generation, 1 October 2013, University of Amsterdam (with Prof. J. W. Duyvendak).
20. S. Verbeek, Diversity policies and ethnic minority representation, 12 October 2012, Erasmus University (with Dr. W. Schinkel).
19. M. Van Bochove, Geographies of belonging: The transnational and local involvement of economically successful migrants, 20 September 2012, Erasmus University  (with Prof. J. Burgers).
18. M. Van Meeteren, Life without papers: Aspirations, incorporation and transnational activities of irregular migrants in the Low Countries. 24 June 2010,  Erasmus University (with Dr. W. Schinkel).
17. D. Broeders, Breaking down anonymity: (Digital) surveillance on irregular migrants in Germany and the Netherlands, 15 May 2009, Erasmus University (with Prof. T. Spijkerboer).
16. F. Nordhoff, Persistent poverty in The Netherlands, 8 February 2008, University of Amsterdam (with Prof. T. Blokland).
15. A. Leerkes, Illegaal verblijf en veiligheid in Nederland, 18 December 2007, University of Amsterdam.
14. K. Rusinovic, Dynamics of ethnic entrepreneurship, 1 December 2006, Erasmus University (with Prof. R. Kloosterman).
13. P. Achterberg, Considering cultural conflict: Class politics and cultural politics in Western societies, 20 October 2006, Erasmus University (with Dr. D. Houtman).
12. R. Kleinhans, Sociale implicaties van herstructurering en huisvesting, 8 November 2005, TU Delft (with Prof. H. Priemus).
11. W. Schinkel, Aspects of violence, 22 June 2005, Erasmus University (with Prof. M. J. de Jong).
10. M. Hooghe, Sociaal kapitaal in Vlaanderen, 1 November 2002, Erasmus University.
9. L. Van Doorn, Een tijd op straat; een studie naar (ex-)daklozen in Utrecht (1993-2000), 15 March 2002, University of Utrecht (with Prof. P. Van Lieshout).
8. J. Van der Leun, Looking for loopholes: Processes of incorporation of undocumented immigrants, 16 October 2001, Erasmus University.
7. R. Staring, Reizen onder regie: Het migratieproces van illegale Turken in Nederland, 4 May 2001, Erasmus University (with Prof. L. Brunt).
6. L. Bolt, Opvoeding en sociale erfenis, 9 June 2000, University of Utrecht (with Prof. C. Brinkgreve).
5. J. Ten Dam, Gezonde stadsgezichten: Een studie naar gezondheidsverschillen en stedelijk gezondheidsbeleid, 24 October 1997, University of Utrecht (with Prof. A. Kreukels).
4. J. Veraart, In vaders voetspoor: Jonge Turken op de arbeidsmarkt, Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 25 September 1996, University of Utrecht (with Prof. H. Entzinger).
3. E. Hitters, Patronen van patronage: Mecenaat, protectoraat en markt in de kunstwereld, 2 September 1996, University of Utrecht (with Dr. J. Burgers).
2. E. Snel, De vertaling van wetenschap: Nederlandse sociologie en praktijk, 31 May 1996, University of Utrecht (with Prof. D. van Houten).
1. Dr. J. Vos, Recht hebben en recht krijgen, 1991, University of Leiden (with Prof. dr. C.J.M. Schuyt; co-supervisor Dr. Engbersen).

Honorary doctorate Calhoun

2013 Promoter of Prof. Craig Calhoun (Director LSE), honorary doctorate, 8 November 2013, Erasmus University.

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