Curriculum Vitae


Engbersen, Godfried Bernard Maria


12-2-58 in The Hague, The Netherlands


Servaasbolwerk 12, 3512 NK Utrecht, The Netherlands




Sint Maartenscollege, Aart van der Leeuwkade 14, Voorburg.


Doctoral Western Sociology (cum laude)

Department of Sociology, Leiden University, Stationsplein 242, 2312 AR Leiden.


Postgraduate student at the Postdoctoral Institute for the Social Sciences (PdIS)

University of Amsterdam, Weteringschans 102, 1017 XS Amsterdam.


PhD Sociology

Supervisor: Prof. dr. mr. C. J. M. Schuyt (University of Leiden). Referent: Prof. dr. A. De Swaan (University of Amsterdam). Title of dissertation: Publieke bijstandsgeheimen: Het ontstaan van een onderklasse in Nederland (23 January 1990, Stenfert Kroese).


Academic positions

Full Professor General Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Visiting Professor, Centre for Western European Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
Full professor Welfare State & Social Inequality, Department of General Social Sciences, University of Utrecht
Associate Professor, Department of General Social Sciences, Utrecht University
Researcher Postgraduate Institute of the Social Sciences (PdIS), University of Amsterdam (part-time).
Researcher, Department of Sociology, Leiden University (part-time).
Researcher, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University (part-time).
Researcher Department of Sociology, Leiden University (part-time).
Research-assistant Department of Sociology, Leiden University.

Current professional activities (selection)

2012 – 2024
Founder and ‘Booster’ of the Knowledge Lab ‘Liveable Neighberhoods’, Erasmus University, Municipality of Rotterdam
Member Scientific Board Instituut GAK
Member Societal Impact Team on Pandemics (MIT)
Member Scientific Advisory Board Aedes (National Association of Dutch Housing Corporations)
Chair Dutch Sociological Association (NSV)
Elected member Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR)
Elected member Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
Elected member Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW)

Former professional activities (selection)

2022 – 2023
Chair of the Commission Social Minimum
2015 – 2022
Chair of the Commission on Effective Interventions in the Social Domain (Movisie)
2015 – 2022
Member Advisory Board of the Dutch Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
2020 – 2022
Member Commission Social Impact of COVID-19 of the Association Netherlands Municipalities 
2020-  2021
Member Thinktank COVID-19 of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER)
2010 – 2018
Member General Board Orange Fund (Oranjefonds)
2002 – 2013
Correspondent Continuous Reporting System on Migration (SOPEMI) of the OECD
2013 – 2014
Member Advisory Commission on Safety of Asylum Seekers, Dutch Safety Board
2013 – 2014
Member Advisory Commission on Labour Migration, Social Economic Council (SER)
2001 – 2009 
Elected Member Board of the Dutch Social Sciences Council (SWR)
2001 – 2009
Elected Member Dutch Social Sciences Council (SWR)
2005 – 2009
Member Advisory Commission ‘Social Platform’. Municipality of Rotterdam
2000 – 2005
Member General Board of the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (ASSR), University of Amsterdam
2001 – 2008
Elected Member Dutch Advisory Commission on Migration Affairs (ACVZ)
2003 – 2006
Chair Foresight Committee on the Future of Dutch Sociology, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
2001 – 2005
Member Scientific Advisory Committee of IVO Addiction Research Institute
2001 – 2004
Member Scientific Advisory Committee NSCR, University of Leiden
1996 – 2000
Chair of the Independent Editorial Committee of the Annual Reports on Poverty and Social Exclusion, funded by Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
Member of the Commission on Social Assistance and Welfare Fraud (‘Commission van der Zwan’)
1992 – 1996
Chair of the Scientific Research Committee on the Dutch Social Assistance System; and Member of the Scientific Research Committee on the Dutch Social Security System, Ministry of Social Affairs and EmploymentLijst item

Present and former professional activities Erasmus University Rotterdam (selection)

Founder and ‘booster’ of the Knowledge Lab ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’, Erasmus University/Municipality of Rotterdam
2010 – 2011
Member Erasmus Jury for selecting the architect (Powerhouse Company and De Zwarte Hond) for building the Erasmus Pavilion Campus Woudestein
2007 – 2015
Member Advisory Board Science Communication of the Erasmus University
2007 – 2013
Chair Advisory Commission Studium Generale
2007 – 2012
Director of Research, Department of Sociology
2000 – 2004
Program director Social Problems in Contemporary Modernity, Department of Sociology
2000 – 2002
Chair Department of Sociology

Editorial boards

Advisory board Tijdschrift Sociologie
Advisory board Sociologie Magazine
2012 – 2015
Advisory board Comparative Migration Studies (CMS)
2005 – 2020
Advisory board Sociologie
2000 – 2009
Advisory board Ethnography
1999 – 2000
Editorial board Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift
1998 –
Advisory board Beleid, Politiek en Maatschappij
1996 – 2010
Editorial board Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology
1995 – 1997
  Editorial board New Community (Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies)
1994 – 1996
Editorial board for the Social Sciences, Amsterdam University Press
1993 – 1995
Chair editorial board Facta: sociaal-wetenschappelijk magazine
1990 – 1997
Editorial board Beleid & Maatschappij
1990 – 1992
Editorial board Sociodrome
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