Year(s) | Projects |
2021 | De gevolgen van de coronapandemie voor kwetsbare buurten in Nederland [The social impact of the coronavirus pandemic on vulnerable neighbourhoods]. Financed by City of Rotterdam (with Risbo). |
2020 | Berichten uit een stille stad. De maatschappelijke impact van COVID-19 in Den Haag [The silent city: the social impact of COVID-19 on the city of The Hague] (with Risbo & Kieskompas). Financed by City of The Hague. |
2020 | De bedreigde stad: de maatschappelijke impact van COVID-19 op Rotterdam [The threatened city: the social impact of COVID-19 on the city of Rotterdam) (with Risbo en Kiescompas). Financed by City of Rotterdam. |
2019 | Maasstad aan de monitor. De andere lijstjes van Rotterdam [Monitoring Rotterdam] (with Gijs Custers, Iris Glas & Erik Snel). Financed by City of Rotterdam. |
2015-2016 | Syrische vluchtelingen en sociale media [Syrian asylum migrants & social media] (with Rianne Dekker). Financed by Scientific Research and Documentation Centre (WODC). €50.000. |
2013 | De dynamiek van arbeidsmigratie uit Midden- en Oost-Europa [The dynamics of CEE labour migration] (with Joost Jansen). Financed by Ministry of Social Affairs & Employment. €40.000. |
2011 | Arbeidsmigratie in vieren [Fourfold labour migration] (with Maria Ilies, Arjen Leerkes & Erik Snel). Financed by Ministry of the Interior & Kingdom Relations/Ministry of Social Affairs & Employment. €40.000. |
2010 | Migratiekaart irreguliere migratie [Mapping Irregular Migration] (with Jan de Boom & Arjen Leerkes) Financed by WODC. €25.000. |
2009-2012 | Arbeidsmigratie vanuit Midden- en Oost-Europa [Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe] (with Jack Burgers en Erik Snel). Financed by NICIS/10 Dutch cities. €222.000. |
2007-2008 | Allochtone middenklasse [Middle-class migrants] (with Marianne van Bochove & Katja Rusinovic). Financed by City of Rotterdam. €60.000. |
2007 | Analyse Centrale Database Wet Samen (CDWS) [Employment Equity Policies]. (with Stijn Verbeek & Willem Schinkel). Financed by Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM). €25.000. |
2007 | Oost-Europeanen in Nederland [East Europeans in the Netherlands]. Financed by Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) (with Risbo). €75.000. |
2006-2007 | Nieuwe coalities voor de wijk [New coalitions for disadvantaged neighborhoods] (with Risbo). Financed by Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM). €81.000. |
2005-2007 | Irreguliere migranten in België [Irregular migrants in Belgium] (with Masja van Meeteren & Marion van San). Financed by Flemish government. €84.000. |
2004 | Sociale herovering in Amsterdam & Rotterdam [Urban reconquest in Amsterdam & Rotterdam] (with Erik Snel & Afke Weltevrede). Financed by WRR.€48.000. |
2003-2005 | Asielzoekers en criminaliteit [Asylum & Crime] (with Risbo & Arjen Leerkes). Financed by Politie & Wetenschap. €118.000. |
2003-2013 | Dutch Sopemi reports. Financed by Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment/Ministry of Justice. Annual contribution.€20.000. |
2003-2005 | Wijken voor illegalen [Neighborhoods for irregular migrants]. Financed by Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) (with Arjen Leerkes & Marion van San). €147.000. |
2003-2005 | Fase IV cliënten Dordrecht [Discouraged workers] (with Risbo). Financed by City of Dordrecht (with Risbo). €74.000. |
2003 | Evaluatie terugkeer asielzoekers [Evaluating return of asylum migrants] (with Risbo). Financed by Internationale Organisatie voor Migratie (IOM). €10.000. |
2002-2004 | Sociale organisatie van mensensmokkel [The social organization of human smuggling] (with Richard Staring). Financed by Politie en Wetenschap. € 82.000. |
2001-2002 | Transnationale identiteiten [Transnational identities]. Financed by Ministry of Justice. €95.000. |
2001-2002 | Nieuwe vangnetten in de samenleving [New informal safety nets] (with Jan Vos). Financed by KPMG/VSB Fonds. €71.000. |
2001-2002 | Joegoslavische Jongeren [Yugoslav Youth] (with Risbo). Financed by Politie en Wetenschap €80.000. |
2000-2002 | Irreguliere vreemdelingen in Nederland [Irregular migrants in Dutch Society] (with Risbo en Peter van der Heijden UU). Financed by WODC. €114.000. |
2000-2002 | Landschappen van armoede [Landscapes of poverty] (with Erik Snel, Richard Staring & Annelou Ypeij). Financed by Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. €244.000. |